Poetic Photographer


Monday, 25 November 2013

Tic Toc

A clock
the wind up kind
that woke me
with a shrill of bells
tic toc
since I was 7
gifted to me by my Nanny
that was pure heaven

A clock
that Mother gave away
when I left home to college
a sadness I kept at bay

A clock
that I spot
as I walk
into a vintage boutique
5000 miles away
in Paris
my childhood clock
that has returned

with me.


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Only at Night

You come to me
only at night
for that time
it feels so real

this glass apartment
high in the sky
with wrap around balcony
we walk hand in hand

your kiss
the summer scent of you
I most miss

as we talk
daylight breaks

your fading
screaming at me
to close my eyes
to wait for darkness
you’ll be back

I awake 
in the apartment.


my lucid dreams
Poets United
Midnight Poet
~photo via mls Prague~