Poetic Photographer


Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Modern day.....


roaming the streets of London

no one notices her
in this time
but one
remembers her
spells that
 were quite divine.


~self portrait~


Mary said...

Ah, I like this portrait. Kind of mysterious, yet very clear.

(As an aside, in your info you said you like the dark side of writing. Sometimes I do too. Ha, I figure the dark side has to be expressed somewhere. Smiles.)

Lisa Williams said...

I like the mystery of this as well. I too like the dark side of writing at times as life can often be dark. Very intriguing write!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love the story behind this poem, and the clarity of language. Oh those spells!

Jennifer Wagner said...

Once you come under a spell, you don't soon forget it! Enjoyed this and the photo too.

kelvin s.m. said...

...ah, lovely ode to self... we all have our own weirdness inside and i guess that's what makes us all unique among the many witches & wizards that wander around... smiles...

kalpana solsi said...

loved the pic of the lady, black yet divine.

Sumana Roy said...

Muse in black......lovely self-portrait.

Anonymous said...

I love this how intriguing =)

Suzy said...

An air of mystery. Nice. Poem and pic go well together.
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