Poetic Photographer


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Leaving London

Before the rain
the sun drenched this town
not likely this time of year
wandering around in my royal gown
tasting London beer
meeting folks
disguised as blokes
my castle so high
must flee
if only for awhile.

~self portrait~


kelvin s.m. said...

....finding sense of belongingness in the outside world isn't quite bad... sometimes we do need to go beyond the walls of our castles to rediscover life more than as we know it & used to live it...smiles...

Mary said...

Ha, sometimes it is definitely good to leave one's castle and mix with the folks outside. A castle can be comfortable but also a bit lonely. (Love the picture.)

Lisa A. Williams said...

The photo is beautiful as is the poem. Very classic and straight forward.

Scarlet said...

Flee the castle and see the town drenched in sun ~ Love the picture ~

Jennifer Wagner said...

I much prefer sun drenching to rain drenching! Wandering around in a royal gown...sounds like a wonderful time...

Brian Miller said...

sometimes we do just need to get away....and if i had to choose i would go rain, i rather like the rain....and i can only shed so much to escape the heat...smiles.