Poetic Photographer


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Only at Night

You come to me
only at night
for that time
it feels so real

this glass apartment
high in the sky
with wrap around balcony
we walk hand in hand

your kiss
the summer scent of you
I most miss

as we talk
daylight breaks

your fading
screaming at me
to close my eyes
to wait for darkness
you’ll be back

I awake 
in the apartment.


my lucid dreams
Poets United
Midnight Poet
~photo via mls Prague~


Anonymous said...

hearing 'midnight rambler' as the soundtrack... ~

Mary said...

Sometimes those dreams DO feel so real, don't they? And undoubtedly....while they live....they are!

Vandana Sharma said...

Nice thoughts to give one company.

kelvin s.m. said...

...lonely hearts always long for company... sentiments shared alone make hearts grow bitter.... smiles...

Anonymous said...

"your fading
screaming at me"

I love this reversal. The fading image calls out to the dreamer, not the other way around. Much more intense like that.

Gabriella said...

Wistful and beautiful poem! So sad when we awake though and can only hope there will be more of these dreams.

Brian Miller said...

so sad to wake alone there in the apartment....the scent of them thick...scent is huge for me...i agree with jack, that the dream doesnt want it to end as well is strong...i like

Kerry O'Connor said...

Sounds like a vivid fantasy!

Scarlet said...

Sad to wake up alone ~ Some dreams are so real though ~

revelations said...

there is a tinge of sadness through out..the poem is something I can relate to... sometimes the night isn't long enough...

brudberg said...

When dreams and sleep are preferable to reality it's sad.. and loneliness have gone to far

Sumana Roy said...

wistful longing makes it so beautiful and intense....beautiful lines..

Geraldine said...

longing...so beautifully expressed.

is that your actual apartment in this photo? wow if it is.


Geraldine said...

PS: I like your comment below about taking photos with film. I was just thinking about that the other day. :<)

Brother Ollie said...

a beautiful dream with a scary edge.

Keep 'em coming MM.

Preeti S. said...

I guess, nostalgia hits the hardest during the night. Beautifully penned. So vivid.

TALON said...

Oh, those times we've wished for the dreamstate to become the real. I loved this! Lyrical and tender.

Anonymous said...

There is both yearning and tenderness in your verses. Dreams can often be an escape, but can also be a trap. I sense some of both here.


hyperCRYPTICal said...

So sad when we wake up to find dreams are just that.
So sad when we lose somebody...
Anna :o]

Irene said...

So deep the melancholy of knowing that you will be alone after some moments of being in someone's company. Beautiful, I truly felt the words. :-)

Ygraine said...

Oh, he will definitely be back...who wouldn't...who could resist these words of a fantasy so real.
This is SO beautiful.:)

AVY said...

I feel so much more awake when I'm dreaming.




nice, lovely blog :)
