Poetic Photographer


Sunday, 27 October 2013

A Black Kiss

If we are one
then I am the dark
& you are the light
so blind to
your kisses
in the night
but I see the marks
that make others
hide on sight.


Midnight Poetry

Poets United


Vandana Sharma said...

Different shades of kiss:)

Mary said...

Ah, sometimes there is more to a kiss than meets the eye! Your poem has me thinking.

Brian Miller said...

it takes two to tango...and black & white to see the whole picture....

ZQ said...

Yikes! Deep or shallow this piece really works.

Truedessa said...

blind to your kisses..sometimes
we don't want to see the light.,
interesting poem.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

A cool write. Makes me wonder why others "hide on sight".

Lisa A. Williams said...

Thought provoking piece, love it.

Lisa A. Williams said...

Thought provoking piece, love it.

Anonymous said...

mysterious pen, Mlle...

Sumana Roy said...

umm.......what marks i wonder.....i like the contrast...

Stormcat Poetry said...

Maybe the kiss of a vampire or a spirit. Or the kiss the melts through to the very deepest hidden fears and desires. No wonder most are afraid of it.

Geraldine said...

Oh, very nice! Like the vibe of this poem. The theme of your blog is soooo cool btw.

Happy Week, G


Tracy Crenshaw said...

I love the idea that though the other person is seen as the light, they have marks that make others turn away. Intriguing poem.

Ygraine said...

I really like the interplay of opposites here...black and white, dark and light etc.
Everything is in perfect balance...:)